Friday, May 1, 2009

Post #14 - Assignment #12: Why I Love Feminists

Feminism is a relatively young doctrine of social thought, and it is one that I would label as "progressive". Like anything, feminism can be radicalized and that is when it gets a bad name, but feminism at its core is a good thing. We as human beings need feminism, because women like anyone else need to be treated as equals. In many ways women can be viewed as the superior sex; after all, a village with 99 men and 1 women would soon die off, whereas a village with 99 women and 1 man would result in the next generation, and one very tired man.

However, the reason I love modern, American feminists is because of blogs like this. They always manage to search in every minutae of American culture and come up with petty, minor oversights linking certain individuals or publications to sexism. In this blog, the feminist writer points out that when women play ultimate frisbee, the New York Times files it under "Fashion & Culture: Fitness", but when men play ultimate frisbee it is filed under "Sports". Is this an example of inherent sexism in the writers of the New York Times? Could be. Who really cares where its filed? Its frisbee. Can we please put the petty bickering aside? The world has enough problems, we don't need to make mountains out of the proverbial molehills.

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